St Patrick’s Day Feast: Soda Bread, Ulster Fry & Salt Beef with Champ St Patrick’s Day is just under a week away now, and although I’m not Irish, I welcome the opportunity to cook Irish food for my friends and family. There’s something very honest and wholesome about traditional Irish fare, and so when Ocado contacted…
Side Dish
Whole Roasted Cauliflower in a Spicy Mexican Sauce
Whole Roasted Cauliflower in a Spicy Mexican Sauce I have been fascinated by the “whole roasted cauliflower” thing for a while now – yes, I DO realise that to many people that means “I need to get out more”, but, please hear me out. It’s just such a great idea, a sort of veggie roast…
5:2 Diet Spiced Moroccan Cauliflower Couscous – Tabbouleh with Halloumi (56 calories)
5:2 Diet Spiced Moroccan Cauliflower Couscous -Tabbouleh with Halloumi (56 calories) It’s been a while since I shared a new 5:2 diet recipe, but I hope I’ve made up for my tardiness with the recipe I’m sharing today, a recipe that I have been making for about 5 or 6 years, from my “Pig to Twig”…
“Not Your Usual Potted Cheese” (with Chilli Mayonnaise) for Grown-Ups ONLY!
“Not Your Usual Potted Cheese” (with Chilli Mayonnaise) for Grown-Ups ONLY Christmas and New Year is but a fond and distant memory now, but somehow some of our “festive fare” lingers on, lurking in surprising and sometimes inappropriate places (such as half a Christmas pudding that I found still “cooling down” in the oven) and…
British Carrots: Sticky Roast Chantenay Carrot Medley with Pomegranate Molasses
Where Our Food Comes From……. British Carrots: Sticky Roast Chantenay Carrot Medley with Pomegranate Molasses Welcome to a new series of posts called “Where Our Food Comes From”……..over the last few months I have been lucky enough to visit numerous factories, farms, orchards and food events where the focus has been all about home-grown British…
Thrifty & Organic November: Pear & Walnut Cake, Sausage Cabbage Rolls and Celeriac Gratin
Thrifty & Organic November: Pear & Walnut Cake, Sausage Cabbage Rolls and Celeriac Gratin Core ingredients for NOVEMBER: Sausages, Cabbage, Potatoes, Celeriac, Pears, Walnuts Menu Plan and Recipes for NOVEMBER: Sausage stuffed Cabbage Rolls Celeriac, Cheese & Potato Gratin Pear, Walnut & Brown Sugar Cake Welcome to a new Thrifty and Organic recipe planner for…
Bacon Chilli Popcorn in the Microwave or a MultiCooker
Bacon Chilli Popcorn in the Microwave or a MultiCooker Chilli and bacon popcorn? Hello……yes please! This is a combination made in heaven and one that I will be repeating again. This was the recipe I made as a snack one day last week, when the fog was as thick as porridge and the rain teemed down the windows…
Thrifty & Organic October: Pork & Apples with French Style Lentils and Salted Chocolate Brownies
Thrifty & Organic October: Pork & Apples with French Style Lentils and Salted Chocolate Brownies Core Ingredients for October: Pork, Pumpkin, Apples, Lentils, Cabbage and Chocolate Menu Plan and Recipes for October: Meat Free “Garbure” Soup with Cabbage and Pumpkin Pork Steaks with Apples, Sage and Cider Apple Vinegar French style Braised Lentils Sea Salt…
A Random Great British Bake Off Technical Challenge: Ciabatta Bread
A Random Great British Bake Off Technical Challenge: Ciabatta Bread Over the last few weeks, I have attempted to make the technical challenge from the Great British Bake Off every week, but with the onset of a late Indian summer and friends and family visiting over the last few weeks, that project has been unavoidably dropped by the…
Sel la Vie Tomatoes and Twice Baked Potato, Cheese and Bacon Gratin
Sel la Vie Tomatoes and Twice Baked Potato, Cheese and Bacon Gratin This last week has been a glorious late summer holiday, with my daughter visiting, and the weather in SW France being positively balmy with temperatures in the late 20’s and clear azure skies, it’s been like the late birthday gift you never expected, and…
September Thrifty & Organic Meal Plan: Spiced Plums, Pulled Beef & Hidden Veggie Cheese Muffins
September Thrifty & Organic Meal Plan: Spiced Plums, Pulled Beef and Hidden Veggie Cheese Muffins Core Ingredients for September: Beef, Carrots, Leeks, Shallots, Oats and Plums Meal Plan and Recipes for September: Pulled BBQ Beef Brisket Wraps (for a “back to school” midweek or weekend supper) Carrot, Leek and Oat Cheese Muffins (for breakfast on…
The Moose is Loose! Newfoundland Toutons with Butter & Maple Syrup Butter
The Moose is Loose! Newfoundland Toutons with Butter & Maple Syrup Butter I love bread, and I also love butter and maple syrup as well as pancakes, so when all of these ingredients come together in a fabulous breakfast, brunch or snack dish, I am a very happy and well-fed bunny! Regular readers of Lavender…
August Thrifty & Organic Meal Planner: An American Style “Pot Luck” Summer Supper
August Thrifty & Organic Meal Planner: An American Style “Pot Luck” Summer Supper Core Ingredients for August: Minced Beef, Courgettes, Red Peppers, Onions, Pasta and Raspberries Meal Plan and Recipes for August: Hidden Veg Baked Meatball Subs (Sandwiches) Amish Style Macaroni Salad Raspberry & Almond Crisp “Pot Luck Supper” “A potluck is a gathering of…
Gluten-Free Veggie Snack: Courgette & Feta Cheese Fritters with Chilli Mint Yogurt Dip
Gluten-Free Veggie Snack: Courgette & Feta Cheese Fritters with Chilli Mint Yogurt Dip Once upon a time, in what seems like another lifetime, I ran a restaurant in Cyprus. We used to cook traditional Greek and Turkish Cypriot cuisine as well as weekly specials for the ex-pats such as fish and chips on Friday, Sunday…
Thrifty & Organic Meal Planner for July: Peas, Roast Fennel, Cheese Pie and Cherry Cake
Thrifty & Organic Meal Planner for July: Peas, Roast Fennel, Cheese Pie and Cherry Cake Core ingredients for July: Cheese, Spinach, Peas, Tomatoes, Fennel and Cherries Menu Plan and Recipes for July: Pea and Mint Pesto Roast Fennel, Tomatoes and Onions Cheese, Spinach and Dill Filo Pie Fresh Cherry Loaf Cake Welcome to July’s Thrifty…