Old Fashioned Sweet Violet Syrup
for Easter & Mothering Sunday Cakes & Bakes

The violets in my front garden
It’s violets all the way……..I seem to have hundreds of these beautiful, highly scented flowers in my garden this year – they are delightful and make me smile when I open the front door. And to think that just two weeks ago they were under a thick blanket of snow…..but here they are now, all smiley and happy; the air is heavy with their scent – an old fashioned fragrance redolent of lace edged handkerchiefs, old leather handbags belonging to elderly aunties, as well as sweet shops and Sunday afternoon tea. I have adorned every spare shelf with little glass jars of these pretty little flowers, splashes of colour in dark corners and forgotten nooks and crannies brighten the house and my mood.

Little glass jars of Violet happiness
It’s the arrival of my violets that has let me back into my still room – a place where I preserve fruit and vegetables, and flowers too. I have made liqueurs, jams, chutneys, pickles, potted meats, bottled fruits, curds, syrups, jellies and aromatic gins and brandies in this quiet back room with its old porcelain sink in the corner and assorted wooden wine cases of jam jars sit waiting to be filled with glorious produce. I have a love affair with all things floral in the kitchen; I blame it on my mother, who would decorate birthday cakes with delicate crystallised primroses and delicate rose petals. Easter cakes were presented with tussy mussies of wild flowers in the middle whilst home-made chocolates were adorned with crystallised violets. Cakes and bakes each had a crown of preserved flowers along with floral icings and scented buttercream.

Old Fashioned Sweet Violet Syrup
This is a simple and beautiful syrup that is easy to make and produces amazing results, both in a visual and culinary sense. I usually crystallise my violets, and I will be posting that method soon, however, I recently found an old recipe for making violet syrup in one of my mum’s notebooks, so, I have been busy making Sweet Violet Syrup this year. This violet syrup is great when added to icings and buttercream for cakes; and is wonderful when used in beverages – only a small amount is needed to add to sparkling wine or lemonade for a delectable and elegant drink. I have also added the syrup as a flavouring for homemade macaroons, French Macarons. Why not make a homemade violet ice cream, or add this syrup to junkets and blancmanges, the list is endless.

Old Fashioned Sweet Violet Syrup
Old Fashioned Sweet Violet Syrup
Serves | 1 x 450ml bottle |
Prep time | 24 hours |
Cook time | 20 minutes |
Total time | 24 hours, 20 minutes |
Region | British |
By author | Karen S Burns-Booth |
- 40 to 50g Sweet violets (about 3 to 4 handfuls)
- 150ml Boiling water
- 300g White caster sugar
The syrup is great when added to icings and butter cream for cakes; and is wonderful when used in beverages too. Only a small amount is needed to add to sparkling wine or lemonade for a delectable and elegant drink.
Step 1 | You will need a bain-marie for this recipe as well as a sterilised bottle that will hold 450ml (3/4 pint). |
Step 2 | Remove all of the stalks, green "peeps" in the middle of the violets and the leaves before putting all of the the flowers into a clean bowl, such as a Mason's mixing bowl or a stainless steel bowl. Pour the boiling water over the flowers, then cover with a tea towel and allow the violets to infuse overnight or for 24 hours. |
Step 3 | Next day, put the violets and water into the bowl that fits on top of the bain-marie, then add the sugar and stir well. Bring the water in the bottom of the bain-marie to a rolling boil and then place the bowl with the violets over the boiling water; keep stirring the violet mixture until the sugar has completely dissolved. If you don’t have a bain-marie, place a suitable sized sauce pan on top of larger pan with water underneath and proceed as before. |
Step 4 | Strain the violet mixture through a fine sieve, then bottle and label the syrup and keep in a cool place, or the fridge for up to 12 months. Use in cakes, scones, pancakes, icings, butter creams, ice creams, biscuits, beverages, cream puddings, custards, cakes etc. |

Old Fashioned Sweet Violet Syrup – Makes a great Gift in a Jar for Family and Friends
Step-by-Step Method for making Sweet Violet Syrup:

Heat over bain-marie until sugar is dissolved and them simmer for 15 minutes, before straining over a jug or bowl.
Bakingaddict says
This looks so pretty and I’m sure it’s very versatile too as you mention. Can’t wait to see your recipes with violets and how to make crystallized violets!
Karen says
Thanks Ros! Hope your Californian holiday is progressing well!
A Trifle Rushed says
What a stunning colour, such a beautiful clear syrup. I would love to make some, but have no garden as such, so I’m going to look for boilers online. Thank you Karen for another inspiring recipe. Jude x
Karen says
Thanks Jude, once violets are established they take over and last for weeks….would your garden in France be a good place to plant them? When I come and visit you there this year I can bring some for you!
A Trifle Rushed says
Oh I hate spell check….voilets! 🙂
Karen says
Hahahaha! I KNEW you meant that!
Susie @ fold in the flour says
This looks so lovely – such a vivid and beautiful colour. Bet it taste’s fantastic, too!
Karen says
It is a VERY floral syrup Susie, and the colour is TOTALLY natural too, just amazing! Thanks!
Dominic says
Stunning photography!! Really beautiful. Unfortunately violets remind me of my granny’s knicker draws, not that I’ve been poking my head in there recently but I seem to remember as a kid that smell emminating from deep within Grandmas draws!!
Karen says
I wish I had added grandmother’s knicker draws to my redolent sentence now Dom! Would have added a certain air to my post! Thanks Darlink! xx
Dominic says
Of course I mean drawers not draws xx
Karen says
Not two sets of draws? I got all in a flutter there Dom!
Jennifer says
What a fabulous colour, it looks as if it should be worn rather than eaten! I must try and make some of this.
I must say I am very envious of your still room!
Karen says
Thanks Jennifer! It is a little room at the back of the house which is always cool….so great for making and storing preserves of all sorts!
Working London mummy says
What stunning colour , this will look stunning on the kitchen shelf! I’d love to use it to flavour cream for patisserie. Yum?
Karen says
Thanks! I LOVE this syrup in ice cream and custards, so fragrant and light!
Working London mummy says
Sorry meant yum! Not yum? … Typo!
Karen says
Fuss Free Helen says
How lovely! And a touch of Spring.
I used to inhale those little tubes of violet sweets as a child.
Karen says
Thanks Helen! Think of Parma violets and those small tubes of sweets and that is what this syrup smells and tastes like!
Rita says
Beautiful! I can`t wait for mine to pop up. I miss ya!
Live, Love, & Laugh,
Karen says
THANKS Reets darlink! XXX
Lauren says
I don’t think I’ve ever had violet syrup. I think violets are just lovely, though. I wish I had some in my garden!
Karen says
Thanks Lauren, try to plant some, once they have established themselves they come back every year!
Matina says
Oh fabulous! I’ve been wanting to try using violet in desserts and then I come across this. I will have to find some violets and try this as soon as I can. Thanks so much. I really look forward to your recipes using violets as well!
Karen says
Thanks so much! I will be posting more violet recips over the next week! Karen
Mary says
SO lovely and SO BEAUTIFUL! a very special recipe – and thank you for reminding me it’s Mother’s Day in the UK – I don’t think my mum would be too happy if I forgot – it’s in May in the US!
Mary x
Karen says
Thanks Mary – Mothering Sunday is the 18th March this year!
Javelin Warrior says
::GASP:: ::TEARS:: Why oh WHY do I not have violets growing near me?! This is perhaps the most amazing color of syrup I’ve ever seen and it makes me so sad that it’s but a picture. WHY???? Love it =)
Karen says
Hahahaha! It is a stunning colour isn’t it and TOTALLY natural as you can see in the photos! Thanks for your lovely comments as always. Karen
Kate says
I have done lots of time consuming chrystallized violets over time using a miniscule paint brush and egg white but never done a syrup – the colour is divine.
Karen says
Thanks Kate! I am posting the fiddly crystallised violets method soon too!
Denise says
How lucky are you to have a “Still Room” – what a beautiful colour. I bet it smells as delicious as it looks.
Marie says
What an amazing colour it has! Brilliant! xxoo
Karen says
Thanks Marie – and that colour is totally natural too!
kellie@foodtoglow says
Gorgeous Karen! So jealous of your violet-carpeted garden. And I can’t think I have ever seen the words ‘tussy mussy’ in a food blog before (only in Victorian books!). Although I doubt I can make this truly beautiful looking syrup – not having any violets whatsoever, snow-covered or otherwise – I enjoyed reading about its making. And I am not a bit jealous of your still room! Ha
Karen says
Thanks Kellie – I will be using “tussy mussy” again soon, for Mothering Sunday! I am very lucky with my violets, they were only planted 8 years ago and have increased tenfold! My still room is just a back room with an old sink and shelves really, bit it’s mine! Karen xx
Julie Page says
Absolutely stunning photos Karen. The violets are just so beautiful and the syrup looks wonderful 😀
Karen says
Thanks so much Julie! There will be more violet recipes over the next few days too….
Cakeboule says
Beautiful – just beautiful
Karen says
Thanks! 🙂
Javelin Warrior says
Karen, I know I’ve already expressed my love for this gorgeous syrup, but I wanted to drop by again and let you know I am featuring this post in today’s Friday Food Fetish roundup (with a link-back and attribution), but please let me know if you have any objections. It’s always a pleasure following your food…
Karen says
OMG! Is it Friday again already…..where does the time go to! As always I would be delighted if you showcased this for your excellent Friday Food Fetish post, thanks very much!
Choclette says
Oh how did I miss this one? Who would have thought such delicate little flowers could produce such an intense and beautiful colour. Now I’m feeling even more envious of your garden full of violets. Another splendid creation Karen.
Karen says
Thanks! 🙂 The colour always makes me smile – TOTALLY natural and so pretty!
Kit says
I always wanted make this Violet syrup & yours looks absolutely marvelous! Love the color & what an amazing post! Thanks for sharing & have a lovely day! 🙂
Karen says
Many thanks Kit! You have a GREAT weekend!
Tiffany says
What kind of violets do you have? Here in Kentucky we can get african violets easily but they look different and are considered houseplants. I would like to grow some of my own and learn to make your delicious syrup. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks : )
Karen says
I used sweet wild violets, small one that are highly fragranced. NOT African Violets, which I think are inedible, but I will check for you though.
Alyse says
Thank you so much for posting this recipe! I finished up my batch of syrup today, it is cooling right now, I haven’t had a chance to taste it yet. my syrup turned more of a blue- green color, I assume because I left the green bits at the back of the flowers on. The water after it steeped was more of a blue than purple as well. Next time I will have to take the time to remove the petals and see if I can’t get it to be a more beautiful purple color like yours!
Karen says
A blue colour is normal with some violets, mine are VERY purple! And yes, it is always better to take off as much green as possible…..but I am SO pleased that you made this syrup and I hope that you will enjoy it in many bakes, cakes and desserts!
Sarah says
That looks so, so beautiful! My garden is strictly herbs and chilis but I think I’m going to have to make an exception because this syrup looks divine!
Karen Booth says
Thanks Sarah – it is easy to make and looks so pretty too!
ashleigh says
very pretty!
Christina says
I am SO making this!! First of all, I also have lots of violets in my garden and my very favorite color is PURPLE!! Beautiful pictures and overal post, as usual!!! You are such an inspiration! Christina
Carol says
Oh Wow!
This looks beautiful… I bet it tastes fabulous!
I love violets!
anthony harrington says
what a wonderful colour! would look fab on the dressing table!
Maya Russell says
Thank you for the syrup recipe. It’s just a wonderful colour! Shared with G+.
Paul Wilson says
Fantastic colour.
Maya Russell says
The pictures are so beautiful – I pinned them onto Pinterest.
Maya Russell says
I think you’d need only a drop of the syrup when you made the icing. You wouldn’t want to overpower the cake flavour. Shared on Twitter, @maisietoo
Dana says
Hi there, do you know where I can buy Sweet Violets here in the US or do you know of anywhere that will ship to the US?
Thank you,
Karen Burns-Booth says
I am sorry Dana, but the violet season is over now and I am not sure I could ship to the UK either! Sorry!
Dana says
Ok. I will continue my search.
Thank you for your prompt reply.
Dana 🙂
Shelley says
Do you think I could use Stevia or Monk Fruit for the “sugar”? Thanks in advance! My violets are soaking now!!
Karen Burns-Booth says
No, I don’t think sugar alternatives will work as well Shelley!
Jenny says
My syrup turned out grey, what went wrong?
Karen Burns-Booth says
Was the water too hot and did you use the correct violets?
Smiley2emc says
Found this on Pinerest and will be pinning it
When i was a kid i was given a little bottle of perfume that looked like a little barrel and it was called devon violets it had the most wonderful scent and was nearly the same colour as your syrup i loved it so much so thank you for taking me back down memory lane
Would love to make this but dont have any violets growing here although i might google and see if they will grow here
Thank you for sharing this beautiful post
Amber says
So I followed everything like you said and mine came out a green color but they have only been sitting for a few hours? They look exactly like your pictures, even the leaves are the right shape. I let the water boil than turned it off and removed from heat and added it to the violets, used a spoon to make sure everything was covered and knock off the bits that had gone on the side. Before bed, my 3-year-young daughter wanted to see what was going on with it and when we looked, it was a beautiful green color? Were we supposed to dry them first or could it be the water was too hot or a different strand of violet since we are from the united states over in massachusetts on the east coast? Or do you think it will change purple after a few hours or when i heat it to add the sugar? its just so weird because the petals were all a beautiful purple and now they look green as well!
Amber says
So i woke up this morning and it looks like a beautiful blue!!! I cant wait to make the syrup tonight! I’ll let you know how it comes out!!
Karen Burns-Booth says
Brilliant news – can’t wait to hear how your final syrup turns out! Karen
Angela says
Is there a way to make this shelf stable? I just got a pressure canner but I don’t know if the high temps would ruin the color.
Karen Burns-Booth says
I always keep mine in the fridge, as it has such a high amount of sugar in it, the keeping qualities are high and I would not advise pressure canning it as the colour would fade! Karen
Tina Godsey says
What is the “peep” of the violet?
Karen Burns-Booth says
Hi Tina,
Please step 2 here:
“Remove all of the stalks, green “peeps” in the middle of the violets and the leaves before putting all of the the flowers into a clean bowl, such as a Mason’s mixing bowl or a stainless steel bowl. Pour the boiling water over the flowers, then cover with a tea towel and allow the violets to infuse overnight or for 24 hours”