Catching up with Life,
Random Recipes does No Croutons Required
Celery Soup
Does anyone else have a problem with unpacking? I have been back home for four days now and still my suitcase is slewed lopsidedly on the sofa in our bedroom with articles of apparel dangling out of the sides and cascading over the top of the semi-opened lid…….boots peep through a stack of unruly jumpers whilst random socks and assorted scarves look like they are about to attempt the “Great Escape”. My toilet bag (what a wonderfully old fashioned term!) is propped up next to the case with creams, potions and lotions tumbling out and one actually had the affront to fall out with a bang in the middle of the night, causing the cat the leap up in the air and lacerate my hand as she performed a feat of truly amazing acrobatics……, finally, yesterday I unpacked!
It always seems to take longer to unpack than pack, and how on earth does the space that was left when woolly jumpers and jeans were selected shrink during my time away? I mean, nothing was replaced in the wardrobe and drawers and yet I cannot for the life of me squeeze them back in…….I suspect some evil and hitherto unknown wardrobe goblin who sneaks in whilst I am absent and “fluffs” up all the remaining clothes which expand and fill the space…….that’s my theory anyway! What to cook for a fraught and frenzied day, soup I think, and a random recipe at that. Dom over at Belleau Kitchen and Jac over at Tinned Tomatoes have joined forces this month for Random Recipes does No Croutons Required challenge ~ a random recipe to be selected from a random cookbook that must be soup and vegetarian, no sweat!
So here is how I cheated picked my recipe ~ I placed a few cookbooks on the table that I know have a good selection of soups in them and asked my husband to randomly pick one; he then had to turn to a page of soups and find some veggie options. I then peeped at the recipe to make sure I liked it, asked him to pick a soup for me…..and voila, he chose my favourite soup, Celery soup, what a star, and I had all the ingredients too!
This wonderful recipe was picked randomly from one of my favourite books and one that I have not used for a while ~ The Complete Farmhouse Kitchen Cookbook published by Collins in association with Yorkshire Television. There are over 1,000 hearty and rustic recipes beneath the cover and many old fashioned and traditional recipes that are not often seen any more. The recipes in the soup section were varied and there were numerous vegetarian ones that would fit the bill for this challenge.
Not only does the book have some great recipes but interspersed amongst the scones, puddings, ginger beer, pies and potted beef are some nostalgic black and white line drawings too….
…….the drawings add a warm and cosy feel to the book and I often curl up on the sofa with it as I plot and plan my menus. Anyway, back to discarded clothing and soup ~ as I was in a bit of a mood due to unpacking, I was delighted to escape the unpacking chore and chop, simmer and stir this soup ~ I served it with a flourish of fresh celery leaves on top and made sure there was a metre of baguette available to dunk in the soup too! I followed the soup with a cheeky little cheese board and both Malcolm and I were replete. Do give this soup a go, it is warm and comforting ~ just the job for a cold November day. Thanks Dom and Jac for a clever joint challenge……now back to that damn case and those last lingering pair of jeans that I cannot fit into the wardrobe…….as well as two hats and a pair of gloves, that I never even got to wear!
See you later,
Celery Soup
(By Isabel James, McCarrison Society
The Complete Farmhouse Kitchen Cookbook)
Serves 4
1 medium head of fresh celery
1 small onion, peeled
40g butter
40g plain white flour
1 litre vegetable stock
Bouquet garni of parsley, thyme, marjoram and bay leaf tied together
300ml milk
salt and pepper
2 tablespoons single cream
1. Chop the celery including the inner leaves. Save a few chopped leaves for a garnish. Chop the onion.
2. Melt the butter in a saucepan that has a well fitting lid and add the vegetables.
3. Stir the vegetables for 1 minute and then put lid on pan and turn the heat down to very low and sweat the vegetables for 10 minutes, without browning.
4. Stir in the flour and cook for 1 minute.
5. Add the stock and bouquet garni, bring to boil and simmer until vegetables are tender but not mushy. Remove bouquet garni.
6. If you like a creamy smooth soup, liquidise the soup now and return to the pan.
7. Add the milk and seasoning’s to taste and reheat without boiling.
8. Just before serving, stir in the cream and garnish with the celery leaves.
(Sorry about the quality of the photos ~ I’m using a new laptop and have not transferred editing programme yet and light was bad when I took photos…….sigh!)
Dom at Belleau Kitchen says
actually the photo's are lovely with the shadows and the sunlight… I do love a celery soup… so simple and so affordable!… nice random choice there Karen… and i'm afraid I am one of those dreadful people who unpack the moment they get home. if I don't do it as I walk in the door it will never get done… I have suitcases under the bed that still have items in them… thanks for taking part this month xx
Marie says
Karen, I can 't believe how alike our tastes in cookbooks is. I have that one too! I picked it up in a used book store in Cumbria a number of years back. It's a wonderful book. I am a unpack as soon as I get home girl too. If I don't the Toddster moans too much. I'd rather just grin and bear it and unpack right away! Saves me a lot of teeth grinding! lol xxoo
Janice says
I'm not a fan of unpacking, but generally get on with it. However, my suitcase is still lurking in the spare bedroom waiting to be put away after a weekend away in October! I'll go and do it in a minute ;p
Years since I had celery soup and I also recognise that cookbook, must have had it out of the library at some point as I don't own it. Looks lovely and the photos are fine.
Inthesky says
My Grandmother was a cook by trade for many years, she manged several large school kitchens…this was one of her favourite books and she had it full of bits of note paper. It is a shame I do not know where it went. I love Celery Soup it is a real Winter Goody. I could just grab a spoon and dig in 🙂
Karen S Booth says
Thanks Dom, thank goodness it not just me, the longer the case stays open the longer the lingerie lurks beneath my jeans and jumpers! Thanks for the kind comments about my photos too……I suppose the shadows are quite nice!
Karen S Booth says
Thanks Marie ~ I love this book, I also bought it second hand and use it a lot, especially in the winter! The trouble is that I got home at 10pm and then next day was busy cleaning the kitchen, so the unpacking got pushed to one side!
Karen S Booth says
Thanks Janice ~ woo hoo! October! That is worse than me! LOL! Try and get the book from the library again, as it is brilliant!
Karen S Booth says
Thanks Inthesky! I LOVE the fact that your grandmother also liked this cookbook ~ you can still buy them second hand on Amazon if you fancy a copy…..there is something about celery soup that is so savoury and comforting!
Helene Dsouza says
I never thought of Celery soup as a creamy soup, its interessting though. We usualy use Celery as part of other Vegetable roots (bouquet garnie)for Consomé or simple Clear soups. I am having some celery around so I ll give it a try.
Laura@howtocookgoodfod says
Celery is a love/hate veg but I am in the LOVE it camp, particularly in soup too as it just works so well. Haven't made it in a while so thanks for reminding me! Xx
All That I'm Eating says
I love your picture at the top – and the fact you have a proper soup spoon! I also love a good cook book with pictures and notations all over it. It adds to the charm.
Kentish Keg-Meg says
Love celery and have got quite a lot at the moment as it was on a special offer at the supermarket.
Like you I don't like to unpack and do leave it for as long as possible. However, I do like to pack and enjoy fitting things into a case/bag.
Neesie Natters says
Your photos look great to me Karen 😉
I have to confess I'm not a great celery fan and have only just started to eat it but I do love soups, so I think I'll give this one a go.
The recipe book looks exquisite. I love the illustrations too.
As to the unpacking…hmm….I’ve been an expat for 22 years so I class myself as a bit of an expert in the suitcase department. It’s amazing though, I can pack a case to perfection {years of experience helped} but unpacking…yuk! Its incredible how I always seem to get distracted in the process and it can take me days to complete this simple task
Have a fabulous Friday 😀
Neesie Natters says
Your photos look great to me Karen 😉
I have to confess I'm not a great celery fan and have only just started to eat it but I do love soups, so I think I'll give this one a go.
The recipe book looks exquisite. I love the illustrations too.
As to the unpacking…hmm….I’ve been an expat for 22 years so I class myself as a bit of an expert in the suitcase department. It’s amazing though, I can pack a case to perfection {years of experience helped} but unpacking…yuk! Its incredible how I always seem to get distracted in the process and it can take me days to complete this simple task
Have a fabulous Friday 😀
A Trifle Rushed says
Karen, I unpack immediately I get home, everything goes straight into the washing basket. All the lovely freshly ironed clothes from Brittany, I wash again, just incase a stray sock got through the vetting process!
Your soup looks divine, I also recognise the book but don't seem to have a copy, so, of course, I'm off to Amazon….
Jude x
PS I'd be thrilled for you to use my gingerbread house, I'm looking forward to your post.
And I definitely want to meet up for lunch with you and WLM when you're next in the UK!
A Trifle Rushed says
Karen, I hope you have the book in a glass cage, there is a copy on Amazon for £100! Jude x
Needless to say I ordered the one for £10 (no extra noughts!) x
createwithmom says
lovely soup looks flavourful
Brownieville Girl says
I'm with you on the unpacking – it is always one of those jobs that nag and nag at me from the corner of the bedroom!!!
Yummy soup – good to give you the momentum to go back to that unpacking!!!
Pre recession days a friend of a friend used to buy super cheap clothes for holidays and then leave them behind!
Jacqueline says
Lovely recipe Karen. There are fields of celery near me and the smell is divine. Mmmmmm 🙂
Thanks for entering it.
Oh and I know what you mean about the goblins. Coming back from Birmingham, I left toiletries and only added a few wee things to my hand luggage and yet I had to sit on it to get it fastened. Which was fine in the hotel, but rather embarassing in the airport after security spotted the jar of biscotti Choclette gave me and made me open my case.
peasepudding says
I love traditional English soups, another of my faves is parsnip and apple. I pack really light as I hate carrying luggage so it never takes too long to unpack