Moules Frites
Now is the ideal time to buy mussels (moules) – and there is no better way to enjoy them than to make a classic Moules Marinière and serve them with frites (chips). I adore Moules Frites – for me it is quintessential French and Belgian Bistro food at its best – plus I love tactile eating. You can treat yourself to Moules Frites anywhere in France and Belgium, and for most of the year; but when the craving comes over me, I often make the “Moules” part at home, and now and then for a treat, I also do the “Frites” bit as well! Serve these with lots of paper towels or napkins, and a glass of chilled white wine would be the perfect accompaniment. I treated myself to some special Moules Frites dishes, as shown in the photos, but a couple of bowls would be fine – and don’t forget a large bowl for the shells. If you really want to be 100% authentic, it is de rigueur to serve the frites with mayonnaise my dear…..sinfully good! Vive la France! Historical Note: Did you know that French Fries are really Belgian? Deep-fried chipped potatoes (“fries” in American English; “chips” in British English) are a very popular food item – and one which the Belgians claim to have invented. They are called frieten in Dutch and frites in French, whatever the name, they are my guilty pleasure.
I love the Fish is the Dish website and I was recently fortunate enough to be made one of their Fish Fanatics, which is great, as I am a fanatical about fish and as a family, we eat fish or seafood at least two or three times a week. As well as being fish fanatic, I am also an avid amateur food photographer, and I often enter the photo competitions on the Fish is the Dish site….. and I was lucky enough to win the December’s competition with the moules frites photo that is shown at the head of this page…..my prize? A hamper of fish ! It’s a wonderful way to highlight your fishy photos and they always have some lovely prizes up for grabs too. This month’s prize is to win a copy of the books Economy Gastronomy & Fish’ N ‘Tips……so, why don’t you post our fish photo now and be in with a chance of winning these two interesting books.
How to Cook Mussels without Fear!
I am always surprised how many people profess to be nervous about preparing and cooking with mussels, and so I have prepared a few “tutorial” photos to help you cook mussels without fear, as well as making a delectable and SEASONAL seafood dish that can be enjoyed at home, and in the manner of a atmospheric seafood shack if you light a few candles and light a wood fire. Edith Piaf would not come amiss either, as long as she is on vinyl. I hope you enjoy my Moules Frites – French/Belgian Bistro Style Mussels and Chips recipe, and that you find the photos helpful. See you tomorrow, and have a Fabulous and Fishy Friday! Karen
Moules Frites – French/Belgian Bistro Style Mussels and Chips |
- Moules:
- 1 kg fresh mussels
- 1 large onions, peeled and finely chopped
- 1 large shallots, peeled and finely chopped
- 2 fat garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
- 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chervil
- 50g butter, or 50 ml olive oil
- 150 ml dry white wine, such as Muscadet
- 1 teaspoon Pernod (optional) or 1 teaspoon pastis (optional)
- 2 tablespoons creme fraiche (optional)
- salt and pepper
- Frites:
- 2 large potatoes, peeled and cut into thin strips
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- oil, for deep frying
- Frites/Chips: Slice the potato into thin strips (2mm x 2mm) and rinse in salted water. Heat a deep fat fryer to 325°F/160°C (preferably using sunflower or groundnut oil). Place the frites/chips in and cook for 4-5 minutes. Remove from the heat and leave to cool.
- Moules/Mussels: Place the live mussels in fresh water. Scrub and debeard the mussels (see the photos), discarding any that are open, broken or cracked. (Fresh mussels look black and shiny and should only smell pleasantly of the deep sea – the vast majority should be tightly closed. Avoid any that smell ‘fishy’, look dry or are mostly open.)
- Place the chopped onion, shallot and garlic in a saucepan with the olive oil, gently sweat them over a low to medium heat for about 5 minutes, or until slightly soft.
- Add the chopped herbs, and pernod or pastis if using and mix with the onion mixture.
- Add the washed mussels to the pan and cover with dry white wine, bring slowly to the boil, then simmer gently whilst stirring. Continue until the mussels have opened – discard any that do not open, this can take between 2 to 5 minutes.
- Add the creme fraiche if using, mixing through the cooked and opened mussles. Cover until the frites/chips are cooked.
- Whilst the moules are cooking, turn up the deep fryer to 375°F/190°C and salt the frites/chips. Add the frites/chips back to the oil for around 1 minute until golden and crispy.
- Serve the moules in a deep bowl with the frites/chips on the side – providinf plenty of napkins and a large bowl for the shells.
- Note – to make the best frites/chips your uncooked frites/chips should be washed in cold water and dried thoroughly before cooking.
heather says
Hello there! I found your new place! It looks great! Oh, these dishes look so good, I’m so bad at sea food. being so firmly away from any coast, I never learned to cook seafood properly. Thanks for your tips!
Karen says
Thanks Heather! I am still trying to see how I can incorporate your lovely painting into my new site…..I may add it as a badge for the side bar and I have it hanging in my kitchen of course! I just got your email too……I cannot answer by that account whilst I am away, but will reply by yahoo this weekend!
Angela M says
I do love mussels I just don’t seem to have them often enough, really should do something about that.
I love your new blog the colours and layout are perfect, makes me realise I need to tidy my own side bar.
Karen says
Thanks so much for your kind comments Angela! I am just getting used to my new home, and am still trying to add you and all my favourite blog reads to my reading list, but I am getting there!
What Kate Baked says
What lovely lovely photos Karen- very many congratulations on winning the prize! We had some delicious Moules Frites in Brussels last summer, thank you for your helpful tips!
Karen says
Thanks Kate-Kins! Aren’t the Moules Frites JUST amazing in Belgium? I am chuffed to bits with the prize too……as a seafood and fish lover, who wouldn’t be!
Mary says
Karen, your website is beautiful! Ahh, this recipe is divine! I love mussels and the way you’ve prepared them – yum! The photos are beautiful! Have a great weekend!
Karen says
THANKS so much for popping by Mary! LOVELY to see that you fond my new home! You have a great weekend too. Karen
kellie@foodtoglow says
I just want to say how gorgeous your new site is – so fresh, French and ooh la la. Loved your previous site, of course, but the new design, coupled with your witty writing and crisp, evocative images is fab. Welcome to wordpress, m’dear!
Karen says
THANKS so much for your wonderful comments Kellie ~ and thanks for the welcome to WordPress, which, I am already loving!
Helen Jones says
I love making mussels. So easy and tasty! I’ll try your recipe next time I cook with them.
Karen says
Thanks Helen! I agree, they are so easy to make, and it always surprises me how many people are nervous when cooking mussels!
Solange says
You have inspired me, I applied to be a fish fan. Do you know that joke about Belgian, frites and time and depression? love the photos
Karen says
Brilliant! Don’t forget the photo competition too! I DON’T know that joke ~ going to tell me???
A Trifle Rushed says
Wonderful, but I am very sadly allergic to mussels. In Brittany I use clams for a similar recipe instead! I have popped a link to your new blog on mine, and I mentioned it in my last post, where I discussed the lovely meal we had on Thursday! Like Solange, I am going to apply to be fish fanatic, but will have to do it later, as someone needs my laptop to do her Mathletics! LOL! Jude x
Karen says
Thanks so much Jude! There are lots of people I know who are allergic to Moules, but as you say, you can use clams instead! I will be over to see your post later…..thanks for stopping by!
Hannah says
Lovely! My other half loves mussels, but I’ve always been too scared to cook them at home, these look utterly delicious!
Karen says
Thanks Hannah! I adore mussels but I know they are not loved by everyone…..Karen xx
Zuri says
Found you!! Oh great!! Love your website!! Keep me away, please, from my favourite mussels and chips/frites!!!!!! I need to lose at least a kilo since Christmas indulgence! No luck so far! Love you, Frenchie!
Karen says
OH how lovely to see you here Zuri! I miss you, I am in England now, Dad is in hospital, but will try to email soon! SPEAK very soon darlink! XX
Charlotte @gofreecakes says
Hi Karen,
Thank you for sharing this recipe! I must try it very soon. I must say your frites do look delicieux aussi.
I adore your new look over here too and will enjoy reading your blogs at the new address!
Charlotte aka Mademoiselle Hermès!
Karen says
Why merci Mlle Hermès! I love forward to seeing you here…..and thanks for your lovely comments! Karen
bakingaddict says
Congratulations on your win! I don’t eat mussels myself but I’ll have all the frites please 🙂 Love your new look site. Have updated my subscription so I don’t miss a thing over here 🙂
Karen says
OH thanks so much for popping by! And for the lovely comments too! The frites/chips are on the house!! Karen
Gill Bland says
Oh how I love mussels. Memories of France..
Artur says
Looks delicious…
How much all the ingredients cost if you buy them in supermarket ?
Karen says
I cannot remember off hand, but not that much, about £8 maybe.