Get Ready for Farmhouse Breakfast Week:
Breakfast Recipes Galore!

Boiled Eggs
Farmhouse Breakfast Week runs from Sunday 20th until Saturday 26th January 2013
Are you ready to shake up your wake up? I am! I LOVE breakfast and I am happy to announce that Lavender and Lovage will be working with Shake Up Your Wake Up and Farmhouse Breakfast Week to bring you news, recipes, photos and all sorts of information about how you can bring breakfast back into your lives! I have received a large breakfast hamper full of amazing goodies, to get me going, and I shall be sharing a breakfast recipe every day next week, as well as a Monday Meal Plan too. But for now, just to get you in the mood, are some “Brekkie Tips and Ideas”, as well as links to some of my breakfast recipes on the blog. Here’s some more information about breakfast week:
Farmhouse Breakfast Week is an annual celebration championing the importance of breakfast which aims to get the nation to Shake Up Their Wake Up! 47% of people regularly skip breakfast during the week so our aim is to encourage people to enjoy a healthy breakfast more regularly.
Managed by HGCA, the campaign started in 2000 and takes place every January. It is more successful each year with over 1,000 events and promotions taking place in 2012 alongside extensive media coverage.
Farmhouse Breakfast Week is run on behalf of arable farmers who grow crops such as wheat, barley, oats and oilseed rape. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness of the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast and demonstrate the wealth of wonderful breakfast produce available around the country.
All stages of the food chain, from farmers to food producers and retailers to consumers are encouraged to get involved and hold events to promote the importance of starting the day with breakfast. Activities include tasting sessions, breakfast competitions, cookery demonstrations, special breakfast menus and school breakfast clubs to name just a few.
Take Part In #BreakfastWatch
Share your breakfast with the nation during Farmhouse Breakfast Week by taking part in #BreakfastWatch, which aims to be the biggest online celebration of breakfast ever! Simply upload photos of your breakfast with the tag #BreakfastWatch via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest and we’ll share these with breakfast lovers across the country.
Check out images already submitted in our #BreakfastWatch gallery.
Breakfast Inspiration
For breakfast inspiration, have a look through our tasty breakfast recipes which range from full cooked breakfasts to quick and easy breakfasts that can be eaten on-the-go or taken to work.
Why Eat Breakfast?
Breakfast eaters tend to be slimmer than breakfast skippers.
Eating breakfast can aid concentration and mental performance at work and at school.
It provides you with the nutrients and energy needed for an active lifestyle.
Research shows that breakfast eaters are less depressed and have lower levels of stress than breakfast skippers.
I LOVE breakfast and even when I am on a diet, I always eat something…….here is a list of some of my Breakfast Recipes on the blog:
Lavender and Lovage Breakfast Recipes:
Country Style Almond and Vanilla Granola (Crunchy Muesli) for Farmhouse Breakfast Week
Hot Buttered Crumpets for a Snowy Day – Home-made Crumpet Recipe for a Tea Time Treat
Edwardian Fish Cakes with Wild and Smoked Haddock
Breakfast Club and Home-Made Lemon Curd
Traditional Buttery French Croissants for Lazy Bistro Breakfasts
Honey, Banana & Blueberry Breakfast Buns
Old Cookbooks & Recipes – Be-Ro Dropped Scones for Breakfast (Griddle Cakes)
Time for some teasers for now! Watch out for some NEW breakfast recipes on the blog next week…….such as a Baked Breakfast:
Three Fruit Marmalade:
And Porridge!
Janice says
Lovely feasts of breakfast! The marmalade looks fantastic, is that from today?
Karen Booth says
Thanks Janice, no, nor from today, that will follow soon!
Rachel K @MarmadukeS says
Love breakfast, but definitely prefer a savoury one to a sweet breakfast. And if it involves black pudding, then I’m a happy bunny!
Karen Booth says
You an me both Rachel – I am a savoury person much more than a sweet person, LOL, well you know what I mean! Karen
Chris says
I would never dare to skip breakfast, but often it tends to be a standard one. Good to have some good and also some quick ideas to spice up breakfast. I love brekfast!
Christine Sunter says
I always have porridge for my breakfast but wish I had time to follow it with the French Toast and fruit or Pancakes and Fruit.
Maya Russell says
A full cooked English breakfast with good bacon and sausages and free-range egg is my favourite.
HelenD says
I love the weekends when there’s time for a real feast breakfast.
Wonderful ideas here – I’ll try some as soon as possible.
Fiona Matters says
I love the look of the crumpet with breakfast – I wouldn’t have thought of that – I absolutely ADORE crumpets, but have never had them with a cooked breakfast. Thanks for the idea!
Lisa Williams says
Looks fantastic all these breakfast posts are making me hungry 🙂
shelley jessup says
Ive not had a english breakfast for about 9 years! Think its time to sit & enjoy one without the black pudding, it always tastes nicer when someone else has cooked it though 😉
shelley jessup says
This Easter weekend calls for a nice breakfast like this, wonder who I can get to cook it for me 😉