Halloween Bakes, Cakes & Recipes + Win a Spooky Halloween Party Planner App!
Halloween Bakes, Cakes & Recipes:
Win a Spooky Halloween Party Planner App!
With little over two weeks to go to Halloween, or All Hallow’s Eve as prefer to call it, I am sharing a few of my recipes for cakes, bakes and savoury dishes with you, as well as an opportunity to win one of FIVE special Halloween Party Planner Apps for your iPad or iPhone……this special app is provided by Good to Know Recipes and is worth £1:99 – it’s just a bit of fun and all you have to do win one of the five apps I have to give away is to leave a comment below……..but first, let me share my Halloween recipes with you. These are my most recent Halloween recipes, and there is something to suit everyone.
Firstly, here is my recipe for some little savoury creepy crawlies…..Just for the Grown-Ups for All Hallow’s Eve – Creepy Crawly Curried Devilled Eggs! Those of you with a nervous disposition or those who suffer from arachnophobia should step away from the table, as my curried devilled eggs have a green spider sat astride each egg, complete with legs…..all eight of them!

Creepy Crawly Curried Devilled Eggs
Secondly, here is a lovely recipe for Mashed of Nine Sorts, an old English recipe that is pure comfort food……More Spooky Family Food with a Traditional All Hallows’ Eve Supper ~ Mash O’ Nine Sorts. This is such a wonderful and traditional English recipe for Hallowe’en – All Hallow’s Eve. It was a dish traditionally served to unmarried guests with the added intrigue of a ring hidden inside. Whoever found the ring would be the next one to be married. This delicious mashed potato has nine ingredients in it ~ hence its name.

Traditional All Hallows’ Eve Supper ~ Mash O’ Nine Sorts
Thirdly is a recipe for Spooky Spider Cakes – I JUST love these and even though I am sure they are meant to be baked for children, why can’t the grown ups have a little bit of fun too! Spooky Spider Cakes for a Howling Halloween. I JUST love these little spider cakes, every time I make them, their faces make me laugh ~ well, I am easily pleased! Furthermore, they are delicious ~ they taste much better than NORMAL spiders I find, as normal spider’s legs are a little too chewy…….. (This recipe was originally published in Good Food Magazine ~ I tweaked it slightly!)

Spooky Spider Cakes for a Howling Halloween
Next up on the Halloween cake’s front, is a recipe for Twit Woo Hooting Halloween Owl Cupcakes – These are GREAT fun…..just bake some chocolate fairy cakes, muffins or cupcakes, decorate them and then turn them into Hooting Halloween Owls, just like that ~ it’s magic. I made these last year for a children’s Halloween party, and they all loved them. The recipe is based on our British fairy cake or angel cake recipe, where the top of the baked cake or muffin is cut off to create the “wings”. (This wonderful recipe idea is one that I have adapted slightly from Tana Ramsay)

Twit Woo Hooting Halloween Owl Cupcakes
How about this spooky breakfast recipe for Ghoulish Ghostly Cinnamon Toast for Halloween! I first saw this idea on a large food website somewhere, but now I can’t remember where! I think in the original recipe idea, the plan was that you used a “ghost” cookie cutter to cut out the shapes; as I don’t possess a ghost cookie cutter (but maybe I should?!) I cut my ghostly shapes out with a sharp knife, hence their different shapes……well, why not, not all ghosts are the same!

Ghoulish Ghostly Cinnamon Toast for Halloween!
That’s it for now, although I will be sharing some NEW spooky recipes nearer to Halloween, but for now, why not enter my easy and simple giveaway to win one of the five Halloween Party Planner Apps I have on offer…..Just leave a comment below and be entered into the draw. That’s it for today, see you soon with MORE new recipes, travel notes and another new giveaway, have a GREAT weekend, Karen
The Good to Know Halloween party planner app has all you need to throw the best, most gruesome Halloween party yet…….
- 40 spooky cakes and bakes
- 30 fun and fearsome party food recipes
- Easy Halloween crafts and face paint guides
- Party planning tips and advice
- And much, much more……
Giveaway ends on the 28th October 21013
Open to International readers too!
Leave a comment below via the Rafflecopter to enter:
Anna@familyfoodfun says
Loving the use of liquorice for facial features in the cupcakes! Definitely going to have to try the spiders!
Ada ~ More Food, Please says
The deviled eggs look tasty and perfect for Halloween!
Hard to choose just one favorite seasonal recipe, but it would have to be pies–pumpkin and pecan!
pumpkin pie
Lisa McFall says
pumpkin and chilli soup
suan watts says
Butternut Squash Soup
adeinne tonner says
Would have to be Apple pie
Danika Lloyd says
Beef stew and dumplings 🙂
Stephanie Tsang says
Pumpkin soup
Bernie says
Butternut Squash soups – mild for the kids and a good chilli kick in it for the adults x
caroline says
Its got to be a good old Irish stew for those coming in from the cold after trick or treating :))
Laura says
These recipes look great. You might like our pumpkin pinata party cake:
Karen says
THANKS Laura! Will pop over there to have a look! Karen
claire woods says
apple pie
LauriM says
I love pumpkin anything: cookies, pie, cake!
Tammy Tudor says
mmm apple pie with cinnamon
paul vellins says
Apple pie mmmmm
Kathy D says
spiced red lentil soup
victoria taylor says
apple pie and custard
Kathy Cakebread says
apple pie
Joanne Darnell says
pumpkin soup
laura stewart says
Pumpkin soup-love it
Juanita Powers says
Spicy Pumpkin Soup
sarah rees says
gotta be a turkey roast at christmas, cant beat it
Angel says
Roasted butternut squash.
Pam Gregory says
Toffee apples
Claire D says
Beef Hotpot
Tam B says
Pumpkin pie.
Rachel Stephenson says
Can’t wait to do these!
Rachel Stephenson says
My fav is apple and cinnamon pie :]
Kat Lucas says
Pumpkin Bread
Sarah Norgrove says
Has to be Pumpkin Soup with Toasted Croutons
Richard Randall says
Tom Yam spicy soup.
Samantha J says
Cottage pie
Apple Crumble
Doreen Mccarthy says
I love pumpkin pie!
lauren tourle says
love the devilled eggs, they look awesome 🙂
Susan says
toffee apple dip
laura jane says
a lovely beef stew 🙂
karen hill says
Apple pie and custard, apples are so this nice at the moment, yummy, thanks for the chance to win this xxx
Natalie boundy says
Carrot and pumpkin cake with cream filling nom nom nom
tracy north says
scrummy apple pie
Nicola Holland says
Butternut squash soup
Erica Montgomery says
Normally something spicy. A vegetarian winter chilli with sour cream:)
Steve Dickinson says
Spicy squash soup
julie baxter says
stew and dumplings 🙂
Greig spencer says
pumpkin soup
tracey l says
pumpkin pie
Denise C says
Apple Pie
sharon wilson says
Beef stew with lots of root vegetables
Karen R says
I love Parkin 🙂
Jade Prior says
toffee apples
Fiona Matters says
Pumpkin pie
katrina day-reilly says
toffee apples
Heather B says
pumpkin dip
Tracey McPartland says
Toffee Apples love them
Anne Charlee Brookes says
any type of stew.
Zoe Roxby says
I love parkin cake
Laura Pritchard says
Pumpkin pie
Kirsty Sparks says
I love yule log 🙂
Esme McCrubb says
mmm the butternut squash looks cool
maxine banks says
white chocolate krispie cake ghosts
shelagh milne says
Treacle toffee and toffee apples
Allan Fullarton says
Vampire gingerbread men.
karen dixon says
Pumpkin cake
Solange says
Pumpkin pie
cathyj says
spider cakes
Becky Downey says
pumpkin soup
Robyn Logan Clarke says
Butternut soup with a swirl of cream on top, like this http://www.csmonitor.com/The-Culture/Food/Stir-It-Up/2012/1030/A-spooky-supper-Calabaza-soup-with-spider-web-cream and a sprinkling of paprika
Susan Hoggett says
pumpkin and penut butter soup
Carroll Marsh says
MMmmmmm Yummy Yummy,Love making good old Fashioned Parkin!We do try to keep it in a tin for a week to get it all gooey and sticky BUT invariably it ends up in our tummys before then!
nicole says
In our house we make these little sweet pumpkin and filo parcels – they look really good, and go down well with the kids! 🙂
Jade Walsh says
Apple Pie 🙂
Phyllis Ellett says
Love French Onion soup, make it every year for our firework party, great served in mugs with wholemeal rolls to dip in.
rose paden says
Apple pie and pumpkin pie! yummy!!
Cheryl says
pumkin pie
michelle pierce says
apple pie
Rach James says
Has to be apple crumble – tarty but sweet, who could ask for more?!
Patricia Walker says
I love pumpkin pie!
Robby Price says
Pumpkin Pie
vicki hennie says
gotta be pupkin pie for halloween
vicki hennie says
pumpkin sorry
Courtney Renee says
pumpkin pie!
Carly says
I love anything comforting but butternut squash and carrot soup as well as pumpkin pie are standing out in my head 🙂
megan says
I pick the Apple Pie!
Angela Williams says
pumpkin pie – love it
Claire Reavy says
Chicken and Pumpkin Risotto
kirsty slow says
Pumpkin soup
Rebecca Hobbs says
The Creepy Crawly Curried Devilled Eggs recipe looks good!
Buddy Garrett says
Beef Stew is my favorite.
Kirsty Woods says
Pumpkin soup
jodie harvey says
pumpkin pie!!
Mary says
We make pumpkin juice, Harry Potter style!
Jenna says
I adore anything pumpkin. SO far I’ve made pumpkin soup, roast pumpkin and three different variations of pumpkin pie!
samantha cornford says
Rhubarb crumble and custard. Makes my mouth water just thinking of it. x
Nancy Bradford says
Has to be fresh pumpkin pie with squirty cream.
Diane Nicholl says
elaine hollis says
George Brown says
pumpkin pie and cream
julie munro says
pumpkin soup
Laura Vitty says
Pumpkin soup with a kick of chilli